When you shop for a payday loan, the
first thing you should do is to compare payday lenders. If you simply sign up
with the first lender that you find, then you may end up spending a lot more on
fees and interest rates. Also you can miss some of the exciting features which
other lender might be providing. There are many ways to do comparison but the
easiest way to do is to use the online resources available.
There are many websites which can
help you to compare various payday lenders operating in your country with the
simple click of a button. These websites collect the various details like
features, interest rate, repayment plan etc which helps a consumer to find the most
suitable lender for him or her. Such online comparison is very useful these
days. Whether you are booking a flight ticket or buying a dress for your
beloved, the comparison sites available will help you to find the best
available price available in your locality. Most of the payday loan lenders
will provide you a very short term loan usually between Pound 100 - Pound
1,500. The repayment is expected by the next payday of the borrower.
The interest rate of these payday
loans varies from lender to lender. On an average the charge varies from 20 to
30 per pound 100. So for your need you can always find a better deal if you
know where to look. Most of the lenders have a very flexible repayment plan. In
case the borrower is not able to repay on time the payday lenders have the
option to extend the repayment by certain amount of time. But this feature is
not provided by all the available payday loan lenders. So it is better to know
such details before applying. All these features will be available on the website
of lenders. The only thing required is to dedicate some time to know them. Or
the much better option is to go to a payday loan comparison website. There one
can easily find these features. You just have to select among existing lenders
and a comparative chart showing all the available features will be popped up in
front of you.