Although a quick cash advance loan
can really be a saviour for times where you need money urgently to cover sudden
and unexpected financial woes in your life, it can also get you into trouble if
you don't use it prudently. To prevent you from the pitfalls of using cash
advance loans we have outlined some important tips below to help you make the
most out of it.
Do you really need a quick cash
advance loan?
A quick cash loan is also known as a
payday loan. Ask yourself have I looked at other borrowing or loan facilities
for my financial needs because a quick cash advance loan should never be your
first option, but always your last resort. There are a number of reasons why we
make this statement, but firstly you should access your financial situation to
see if you can come up with the money elsewhere before you turn to a payday
lender. The interest rates on a quick cash advance loan can be quite high,
which means it is what I call "expensive money", as it cost you a lot
more to borrow this money.
Some ideas might be to go through
your mail to see if the cheques for the receivables you have been expecting has
arrived or see if you can auction or sell something you no longer use on eBay
or gumtree. Post your items online and slash the price, someone would love to
pick snatch up a bargain right away or have a garage sale, in other words do
everything you can to raise the cash. Another thing you can look at is, do you
have a line of credit secured against your house? If you do draw down on the
equity in your line of credit as this loan because it is secured against your
property attracts a lower interest rate. Do everything possible to come up with
the money before opting for a quick cash advance or payday loan.
OK so you have decided to use the
option of last resort and have decided that you need a quick cash advance loan.
Do proceed but do so with caution, by first reading the fine print and make
sure you understand as much as you can about the lender's terms and conditions
before you sign up. Be careful of those nasty surprises or catches if you are
borrowing money from those shady companies. Some could charge a really hefty
interest rate, many times what you borrow if you fail to pay on time. Beware of
these shark lenders that take advantage of unsuspecting customers, so read the
contract and make sure you fully comprehend the terms and conditions.