วันจันทร์ที่ 25 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2559


Payday loans are the method of choice for millions of consumers whenever a financial emergency arises, as they offer quick cash in times of need, and are easy to apply and qualify for. So why are so many people bashing the payday loan industry? It's simple, really. They see the unlawful actions of a few and assume that everybody is doing the same things - not disclosing terms, taking advantage of borrowers with usurious (excessive) interest rates, or in some unfortunate cases, requiring money up front; these loans are referred to as "advance fee loans," which are Internet scams that have snookered hundreds of victims.
As with any industry, there will always be some "companies" that seek to mislead customers to make money, all the while giving the industry a black eye. In addition to this, many borrowers take out payday loans without fully comprehending the terms of the loan, which obviously does not make for a positive experience. The fact remains, however, that obtaining a payday loan does not have to be a bad experience. If you research companies thoroughly, deal only with reputable companies with a proven track record, and carefully read the terms of a loan, you will find that obtaining a payday loan is a perfectly safe, manageable means to rectify your financial situation.
Let's examine the reasons why people choose to shy away from payday loans further. First, as previously mentioned, many borrowers are either not informed of the terms of the loan before signing the document, or simply gloss over the terms without fully understanding them. All of a sudden, the borrower finds him/herself in a precarious situation. It is mandated by law that lenders MUST disclose all terms in the loan agreement, including the interest rate and schedule for repayment. By simply reading over your loan agreement before signing it, you can decide whether or not you want to proceed.

