Having bad credit will certainly
prevent you from obtaining a personal loan from a bank or other such
institution, but it does not need to stop you getting money from one of the
many private bad credit lenders available. There are many different types of
loans aimed at people with bad credit, but they will all be slightly different
from the high street lenders that will turn you down. Private bad credit
lenders will either apply higher charges to compensate them for their increased
risk, or they will offer different types of loans that do not depend on a
credit rating to offer security.
If you want to get a loan quick
there is no faster type of bad credit lender than a payday loan provider.
Payday loans are specifically designed to provide really fast cash advances and
the best lenders can get money to you within an hour or so of applying. They do
not normally depend on credit checks at all, because they are always for a very
limited time and never for large amounts. Unlike a normal personal loan
provider, the payday loan lender does not need to know that you can keep up
with regular payments for years on end. All the payday loan lender is
interested in is that you have a job where your monthly pay is more than the
amount you have borrowed.
By keeping payday loans to fairly
modest amounts of money which have to be paid back quickly, this type of
private bad credit lender is able to keep the information they require fairly
simple and therefore have a very quick process. All the best payday lenders
have totally online systems now where you just complete a simple form to find
out if you can get a loan. You will normally get a response almost immediately
and can then finish the process online by simply agreeing to the terms offered.
One of the big attractions of this type of payday lending is that the good
lenders offer a full service 24 hours a day, seven days a week.